About Us

Welcome! Beauty Dames is a mother/daughter collaboration between Kerrie and Annabelle. We started this site to share our experiences (both positive and negative) of the products and trends that populate the realm of “beauty”. Every mom probably wants her daughter to postpone navigating the beauty rapids, and every daughter is anxious to get into the cosmetic canoe and start paddling. We don’t always agree (surprise!) but we felt it was important to share our honest experiences and opinions. Beaut Dames:  2 generations 1 product.


 bio_K meet_Kerrie
I grew up in the 70s, and longed for the perfect tan, baby-blue eyeshadow and super- straight Laurie Patridge hair. A tall order for a curly haired, fair skinned redhead .Like most girls, I was under confident and insecure… never stopping to consider that I possessed my own personal sense of beauty and style. Now that I am older, and the mother of a beautiful daughter, I realize how important it is to really believe in yourself. Trust yourself. And take everything the magazines throw at you with a huge grain of salt.


 bio_A  meet_Annabelle
I have always loved fashion and Audrey Hepburn is a great example of my personal taste. I love her elegance, her confidence and of course, her style!When we decided to start Beauty Dames it was while my mom and I were working on gift bags for my birthday party.I am going to be honest about the products I like and don’t like.



ABOUT OUR STAMP OF APPROVAL:When you see “Beauty Dames Approved” you can be sure that this product pleased both mother and daughter. For us, this product is something you may want to consider adding to your kit. Don’t be surprised if you find your mother (or daughter) borrowing this one on a regular basis.  BeautyDames_Stamp


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